2018年12月18日 星期二

Why I try to write blog in English?

One day, I encourage my daughter that you can try to write blog in English.
And my daughter tole me that:
 Mom, you can write blog in English, too.
First voice that appeared in my mind is that, 
"Oh, my English is poor. I forget most of grammar, I forget the skill how to write a article."

Again, when we face a challenge, we will find a excuse to resist it.
Is it a excuse that really stop me? No, It's not. 
It's depends on what is you really want to do.
Do I want to improve English? Yes. 
Do I want to learn together with my daughter and be a good role model? Yes.
We always teach children that you should be brave, don't be afraid of trying . The same words should be told to yourself.

Maybe It's difficult for me to write an English article, but I will try. From easy memo to a really article.
At the beginning, don't to considerate the grammar, you can do it and learn it at the same time.
Just write down!  Come on, you can go together. You can just complete 5 sentences at the beginning.
Let's writing in English!!




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E-mail: a.casisters@gmail.com




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